Saturday, 7 July 2007

Work experiece

Work experience:

We have been working in different projects around the Spanish state, here we have a few examples of our work.

  • Archaeologist itinerary “Compostela: Obradorio do Tempo” in the Didactic Use program “Live Santiago”. For the Santiago de Compostela Council

  • Didactic archeologist activities for an improvement program for the Galician High capacities Association (ASAC)

  • Experimental archaeologist program “V Cantabric wars” For Cantabric war association and the Cantabric government

  • Experimental archaeologist workshops in the program “Ferradura Aberta”, For the Santiago de Compostela Council

  • 4th edition for the Educative program 2004-2005 “Meet patrimonial cities”. Historical Patrimonial City group, and Santiago de Compostela Council, Youth and education department

  • Didactic experimental archaeologist workshop for the Almeria Museum

  • Orixes o nacemento de Compostela. Archaeologist workshop for children” Summer school. Santiago de Compostela Council, Youth and education department

  • Archaeologist workshops “Nos albores da humanidade Environmental Galician department and Ames Council.

  • Didactic program “One day in the prehistoric on the Soto Island” Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca. Santa Maria de Tormes Council, department of social care.

  • Didactic and archaeologist workshops “Roman and medieval board games” San Morales Council (Salamanca)

  • Medieval board games workshop” Cabeza de Buey (Badajoz) Medieval market. Cabeza de Buey Council (Badajoz)

  • “Medieval board games workshop”. Arts festival for the biodiversity. Cooper@ctiva and Arzua Council.A Corunha.

  • Didactic workshops in Nadalxogo (Christmas games) ’04. Santiago de Compostela Council

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